Help Titus Haug Finish Debut Album "There Is Time"

Help Titus Haug Finish Debut Album "There Is Time"

Avatar by Titus_Haug

For quite a while the only way to listen to Titus Haug has been through video's. No longer! I've wanted to provide a way for people to listen to these songs for quite some time now and we've finally started recording our Album :) Help us finish this project by pre-ordering the Album. We've already started the process and are so close to making this thing a finished product. Much love to you all.

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  • Credit: 11.0

Funding Period

Aug. 2, 2016, 8 p.m. - Sept. 6, 2016, 1:55 p.m. [34 days]

Pitch Text:

This record has been a long time coming. It feels a bit emotional on my end to see a project that I've worked on and dreamed about for several years come alive. A few months back I got a call from a friend. He surprised me when he started talking about my music and how he wanted to help us make a record. What he didn't know is that I had just met with Studio Engineer Ben Moore a few days prior to figure out how in the world I was going to make this record! My friend ended up fronting some funds to get the project started and we were in the studio shortly after. We've tracked about 75% of the album but are stuck in the middle of the process due to lack of funds. We are in-need of your help to compete this album (tracking, mixing, mastering, distributing) so that we can get this project finished! We will be able to finish the remaining work of tracking, mixing, mastering and printing cd's once this project is funded. We are so excited for you to hear the songs!

Fundraising Goal!

$5.00 raised of $9,100.00 goal

1 Givers!



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